I have
constructed this Web Site to share Gods revelation to me with anybody
who has an ear.
Rev2:29 |
This home page is an overview and reveals some
of the issues Satan is using to keep the Church in bondage and to
blind people with a false sense of security, click on the green
hyperlinks below to go to pages with explanations and biblical support
on these issues, or hover over the words in pink
to read the scripture quoted.
The doctrine supporting the Trinity is false, there
is one
God the Father who has a son the Lord Jesus Christ who
is currently sitting at the
right hand of God the Father and is preparing a place
for righteous believers to live with them for eternity. There is
also one who is the Holy Spirit, our comforter, who is here with
us on earth now, sent
from God the Father shortly after Jesus return to His Fathers presence
after rising from the dead around 2000 years ago.
The Lord God is predominantly referred to from Gen. 2:4 until the
end of the book of Malachi, as the Lord God of Israel. He formed
Adam and Eve, he walked
with them in the garden, he closed
the door of Noahs Ark, wrestled
with Jacob and he gave
Moses the Commandments on Mt Sinai. This was NOT God the Father
it was the Lord God (Jesus) before he was born to the virgin called
Mary from Nazareth. Yes Jesus is the Lord as every
tongue shall confess one day soon. It was understandable that the
Jews would want to put to death anybody who might be masquerading
as their Lord God, but they just didn’t see!
Jesus was with Father God, in the beginning
is with the Father now and will be forever in eternity but they
are not ONE.
View the presentation here
While on earth in human form the Lord Jesus Christ
prayed to His Father regularly and was lead by the Holy Spirit constantly.
He taught
his disciples to pray and to thank God the
Father, praising Him and giving thanks for provision, asking
for forgiveness and asking deliverance from evil spirits. More than
140 times in the New Testament Jesus said to pray to God the Father
never once did he say to pray to or exalt himself Jesus, he humbly
washed their feet! How do you think he feels when we exalt his name
in Church every week? Do NOT think that I am in any way belittling
Jesus or anything he did, but it was his Father God who, so
loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes
in him (the Son) should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
How can we expect God the Father to answer our prayer if we are
praying to His son Jesus? Or to the Lord
who is the Lord Jesus Christ (His son).
When I was a child any new hymns had to be scrutinized
by the hierarchy of the Church before they could be used. I do remember
thinking that was a little over the top, however today we are hearing
new songs nearly every week and I’m sorry many of them sound
nice but are on the wrong track. The thin end of Satans wedge
has turned the tide and most songs praise the Lord Jesus with little
or no mention of his Father the Almighty God, in many cases the
wording of the songs promote the confusion of identity between the
Father and the Son. This is contrary to what our Lord Jesus Christ
taught us and to what he wants, which is for all glory to be to
God the Father, his
Father and our Father.
Jesus presented the first Lord's
Supper to His disciples in a private guest room during an annual
festival called the Passover just before he died. There are three
main problems with the mainstream Churches current representation
of Communion (Eucharist, common union):
- It was an annual celebration not weekly.
- It was celebrated in private behind closed doors.
- It reveals Gods will and expectation with regard to judging
(or not) our brothers (sisters).
The only basis for regular Communion is “Do
this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me." 1 Cor
11:25 what is overlooked here is that this cup Jesus was raising
was specifically the third glass of wine in the Passover Festival,
the “Cup
of Blessing” “the Cup
after Supper” the cup that represented the blood
of the Passover Lamb now replaced by Jesus blood, how amazing!!
This festival is celebrated once a year as it was in Egypt 4000
years ago, in Jerusalem 2000 years ago and as it should be today.
Jesus was behind closed doors in a private room
as has been the custom since the first Passover night in Egypt.
Jesus himself sent Judas out before drinking the third cup. As warned
in 1Cor
10:16-22 and 1Cor 5:6-13 we are to decide who we are
joining ourselves with in Common-Union.
The Church today holds to the belief that we are
not to judge but 1Cor
5:9 and 1Cor 6:1-6 tells us clearly who we should and
who we shouldn’t judge. "For what have I to do with
judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are
to judge?
God judges those outside. Drive out the wicked person from among
you".1 Cor 5:12-13