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Failure to comply
The Lords Supper
The Passover Rules
Passover Festival of Redemption
For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh
damnation to himself…….
1 Cor 11:29 (KJV)
Is this the foremost thought in your mind as you prepare to partake
of the Lord's Supper?
Damnation means: “doomed to punishment”.
As most Christian denominations interpret “unworthy”
to mean completely different things, we are placing a dangerous
trust in our church leaders’ interpretation. Our future could
rely on someone's possibly incorrect interpretation inherited and
accepted by us.
" Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of
the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning (ie.
blasphemy against) the Body and Blood of the Lord". (1 Corinthians
11:27 RSV)
“Eat at home lest you come together to be condemned"
(1 Corinthians 11:34 RSV)
What therefore, constitutes a charge of being unworthy?
The Bible says....
for anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats
and drinks judgement upon himself ‘ (1 Corinthians 11:29
.... RSV)
not discerning the body puts us in a state of sin by being guilty
of blasphemy against the Lord in defiance of the 2nd commandment
(see Exodus 20:7).
The body referred to is explained by Paul in detail
in the very next chapter .... see 1 Corinthians 12:12 15 .... the
body is the group of believers that make up the local church. For
the term discerning we need to look at the original Greek word that
is being interpreted .... diakrino .... (see Strongs 1252).
Basically diakrino means judged. Some Bibles in
fact use the word judged instead of the word discerning in 1 Corinthians
In English the word judged has a connotation of condemnation ...
rather than ... a decision that could go either way! There are at
least three other Greek words used in Scripture that can also be
translated judged ... none of which necessarily condemns the recipient.
It is useful to re read 1 Corinthians 11:28 32 with the Greek translation
taken from the footnotes:
1 Cor 11:28
Let a man test, to allow (1381 ... examine) himself, and so eat
of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks
without thoroughly separating (1252 ... discerning) the members
of the body, eats and drinks condemnation (2919 .... judgement)
upon himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some
have died."
But if we thoroughly separated (1252 .... judged) ourselves truly,
we should not be condemned (2919 ... judged). But when we are
tried (2919 ... judged) by the Lord, we are chastened so that
we may not be condemned along with the world." NB.
Using Greek translation
Judge….2919 Krino…..means to distinguish, to decide
by implication, to try, condemn or punish.
Judge…..1252 .... Diakrino .... means to separate thoroughly,
to withdraw from or oppose, decide, discriminate or discern.
Judge…..350 .... Anakrino .... means to scrutinize, investigate,
interrogate, determine, question, discern, examine or judge.
If we "discerned ourselves truly" this must mean... "discerned
for ourselves" because we can't "discern ourself"
(singular). That would mean to:
This alludes to judging our brother. What else does Scripture say
about this subject?
1Cor 5:7-13
Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you
really are unleavened. For Christ, our Passover lamb has been
sacrificed. Let us, therefore celebrate the festival, not with
old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened
bread of sincerity and truth."
"I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with immoral
men; not at all meaning the immoral of this world, or the greedy
and robbers, or idolaters since then you would need to go out
of the world." "But rather I wrote to you not to associate
with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of immorality
or greed, or is an idolater, revilers, drunkard, or robber; not
even to eat with such a one.” For what have I to do with
judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you
are to judge? God judges those outside. Drive out the wicked person
from among you." RSV
How should this passage be interpreted?
This is a challenging and much avoided passage
... a clever comparison of yeast and ungodliness. The old analogy
of one bad apple spoiling the barrel!
"Anyone who bears the name brother Jesus
made it clear who our brother is..."whoever does
the will of God is my brother." (MARK 3:35)
Therefore we are looking for an impostor from amongst our own ranks.
What we are looking for in judging our brother
is sincerity and truth. We are not concerned with daily impropriety
... that is for them to sort out with the Lord.
Sincerity is conceived in the heart for "out
of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." (MATTHEW
As for the old leaven..." by their fruits
you will know them." (MATTHEW 7:16)
This could be part of the reason why the Catholic
Church discriminates (1252 ... judges) by not allowing divorced
people to participate in the Communion, or why some like the Lutherans
operate a "close" communion. The difference is that most
believe it is for the benefit of the outsider, but why would Paul
in 1 Cor 11:17-34 be concerned about warning a person already out
of the covenant ... surely they are condemned anyway.
Furthermore, we need to be aware of the danger
of leaven. We must not rely on a commitment we or our fellow Christians
made at our Baptism or Confirmation, and be aware of the devil in
Peter's warning ... 1 PETER 5:8.
"And stand fast lest we fall"
Lest we fall from grace like those in MATTHEW 7:21.
We must "test the spirits" according
to 1 JOHN 4:1 and put our brethren back on track as per MATTHEW
This could be one reason why churches under persecution
and oppression grow with such strength (REVELATION 2:9 11) surely
only committed Christians would remain under these circumstances
and any fellowship would be behind closed doors. In REVELATION 2
the Churches at Pergamun and Thyatira were obviously very committed
Christians but they were eating food sacrificed to idols the very
parity Paul used in 1 CORINTHIANS 10: 19 ... pertaining to the Lord's
Matt 7:1 & 5
“Judge not that you be not judged ... You hypocrite, first
take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly
to take the speck out of your brothers eye."
Firstly, Jesus was talking to the multitude on
the mountain, not to committed Christians or disciples as Paul was
Secondly, the log is spiritual blindness which
can be removed by a genuine commitment to God. Through this commitment
our eyes can be opened ... then we will see clearly to judge our
brother. Jesus did not say that they could not get the log out of
their eyes.
"That is why many of you are weak and ill and some have
died" (1 CORIN 11:30)
How many times have you heard "I will never
understand why God allows some things" Sometimes people are
disparaged after claiming a healing ... and not receiving it. Perhaps
one could blame a lack of faith. But could the believer have partaken
of the Lord's Supper in an unworthy manner?
"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons
... shall we provoke the Lord to jealousy, are we stronger than
He." (1 CORIN. 10:21 22)
"Whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in
an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood
of the Lord." (1 CORIN. 11:27)
What form
of condemnation we face is not important but one thing is certain
... we will not be able to blame our fathers, pastors or teachers.
They will face their own fate. We are responsible for our own future.
Married males with children face even greater responsibility.
You must read the Bible and ask God for knowledge
and wisdom through Jesus our Passover Lamb.
Let's take a closer look at the situation surrounding
the institution of:
"The Teacher says: My time is at hand; I will keep the Passover
at your house with my disciples." (MATTHEW 26:18)
"I earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before
I suffer; for I tell you I shall not eat it again until it is
fulfilled in the kingdom of God." (LUKE 22:15)
"Where is the guest room where I am to eat the Passover
with my disciples?" (MARK 14:14)
Jesus presented the first Lord's Supper to His disciples in a private
guest room during an annual festival called the Passover ... just
before he died.
The Passover was formerly instituted by the Lord
God, through Moses at the time of the Exodus from Egypt. It is an
annual remembrance festival holiday ... a time for Jewish people
to remember how the Lord God rescued their forefathers from slavery
in Egypt ... and redeemed or "deemed them again" his people.
"This is the ordinance of the Passover; no foreigner shall
eat of it; but every
slave that is bought for money may eat of it after you have circumcised
No sojourner or hired servant may eat of it. In one house shall
it be eaten;
you shall not carry forth any of the flesh outside the house;
and you shall not
break a bone of it..." (EXODUS 12:43)
All the rules are directly from Scripture...
Rule 1: All the congregation of Israel must keep the Passover
(EXODUS 12:47)
Rule 2: No stranger is allowed to eat the Passover ... that
is no one who was uncircumcised or is
outside the Covenant (EXODUS 12:43 45)
Rule 3: In one house shall it be eaten ... you shall not carry
any flesh outside the house (12:46)
Rule 4: Any meat not eaten that night must be burnt before
morning inside the house (34:25)
Rule 5: All leaven must be removed from the house for 7 days
(13:6 7)
Rule 6: They must not break a bone of the Passover Lamb (12:46)
But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already
dead, they did not break his legs.
John 19:33(NIV)
Rule 7: The lamb was to be slaughtered at a place appointed
by God (DEUT. 16:5 6)
Rule 8: You shall tell your son on that day (EXODUS 13:8)
Oral tradition
along with Rabbinical commentaries from the time of the second temple
(537BC to 19BC) were edited and compiled into a book called the
Mishnah between 100 AD and 210 AD.
From this and other non canonical writings such
as the Book of Jubilees (2nd century BC), we find the traditions,
customs and "Seder" or order of service for a Passover
Feast which has remained basically the same over the past 2500 years.
The only real change occurred after the destruction
of the Temple in 70AD because there was no longer a place appointed
by God to slay the sacrificial lamb.
1 |
First Cup of Wine
With a prayer of sanctification...
... Reminds us of the promise of redemption |
2 |
First Washing |
Act of ritual cleansing |
3 |
First Dipping
Matt 26:23 |
In memory of the need for redemption...
... Eat bitter herbs dipped in salt water (tears)
... Symbolic of suffering in Egypt |
4 |
Questions |
questions by the youngest male family member, a direct
narration of thestory of the first Passover……
Story of redemption |
5 |
First Happy Song |
... A pre meal blessing |
6 |
Second Cup of Wine
Luke 22:17 |
Cup of praise....
... Praise to God for His redemption |
7 |
Second Washing
John 13:5 |
Symbolic of our lives...
.Having been sanctified or washed clean |
8 |
Second Dipping
John 13:26 |
A sop (morsel) of matzo (unleavened bread) is dipped in
(ground horseradish) and charoseth (mixture of apples, nuts,
and cinnamon) and eaten... ... it is at this point that Judas
left ... not partaking of the sacrifice……Desire
for redemption |
9 |
Dinner is Served |
Boiled fish and eggs are among other ceremonial foods eaten
as the
main course. The Passover offering is the last to be eaten
that night.
Means of redemption |
10 |
Third Cup of Wine
Matt 26:27 |
The cup of blessing MATT 26:26 and 1 COR 10:26
... This cup is drunk in memory of the blood of the Passover
Also called the Cup of Redemption
11 |
Second Happy Song
Psalms 115 & 118 |
... Thanksgiving after a meal
12 |
Fourth Cup of Wine
Cup of Glory to the future |
13 |
Closing Hymn
Matt 26:30 |
Or prayer for the rebuilding of Jerusalem
Jesus introduced
the eating of bread after the supper, previously forbidden by Jewish
tradition, with the instruction to eat this in remembrance of my
body which is to be broken for you... (1 Cor 11:24)
After the destruction of the temple in 70AD the
Jews no longer had a place appointed by God (DEUT. 16:5 6) to slaughter
their Passover lambs. The rabbi's in their wisdom altered the Seder
to suit their new found situation. They banned the eating of red
meat especially lamb. And just before the questions section of the
Seder they took a portion of one of the three sheets of unleavened
bread, called it the "aphikomen" and set it aside to be
eaten after the supper in remembrance of the body of the sacrificial
lamb ... the means of redemption. This practice remains today.
The old Passover is transformed into the Lord's
Supper for Christians today. At the Exodus, the nation of Israel
was born. By Christ's sacrifice, the Church is born ... a people
drawn from all nations.
"Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump,
as you are really
unleavened. For Christ our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed.
Let us,
therefore, celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the
the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of
and truth." (1 Cor 5:7)
" The cup of blessing which we (still) bless, is it not
a partnership in the Blood of
Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a partnership in the
Body of
Christ?" (1 Cor. 10:16)
" I earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before
I suffer, for I tell you, I shall not eat it again until it is
fulfilled in the Kingdom of God." (LUKE 22:15)
" In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying this
cup is the new covenant in my blood. do this as often as you drink
it, in remembrance of Me. For as often as you eat this bread and
drink the cup (1 Cor 11:25)
This cup ... the one after supper ... the third
cup ... the cup of blessing, often called the cup of redemption,
which represented the blood of the lamb. Do this as often as you
drink it ... simply drink this cup of blessing as often as you drink
it (ie. once a year). But now drink it in memory of my blood not
the blood of the old covenant lamb.
There is more than enough
material written to convince people that today’s Easter festival
is a mixture between the Jewish Pasha (Passover) and the Babylonian
worship of Ishtar. But, as the festival becomes more secular, we
must bring it back to the redemption remembrance festival it once
was ... not to celebrate the redemption of Israel, but our redemption.
First Cup |
Recall Gods promise to us of redemption |
John 3:16 |
First Dipping |
Recall our need for redemption |
Rom 3:23 |
Questions |
Recall the story of redemption |
Jesus suffering and death |
Second Cup |
Praise the God the Father for our redemption |
Jesus is risen |
Second Dipping |
Express our desire for redemption |
Ask forgiveness |
Diner |
Eat bread in remembrance of our means of redemption
In memory of Jesus body |
Third Cup |
Drink the cup of redemption |
In memory of jesus blood |
Fourth Cup |
Express our joy for redemption |
Glory to God the Father |
Hymn |
Closing Hymn |
Prayer for the church |
Little more than 20 years after the institution of the Lord's Supper
Paul was forced to correct the church over the misappropriation
of this very special fellowship. In 1 Cor 1:2 Paul is addressing
not only those residents of Corinth but...
"Together with all those in every place, who call on the
of the Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Cor. 1:2)
Therefore we are expected to keep the Passover, not in remembrance
of the exodus from Egypt but...
"Do this in remembrance of Me." (1 Cor 11:25)
Jesus changed the focus or meaning of the Passover, but He did
not change the rules. Therefore...
• Do it once a year Exodus 13:10
• No foreigner is allowed to eat of it Exodus 12:43
• Do it in the security of your home Exodus 12:46
So we see no need to be aware of the sincerity of commitment of
500 or so people at our local
church ... only one house full, namely family and a few friends.